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4 min read
The Anxious Generation Meets Brave New Words…It's Our World
Not all technology usage for kids (or anyone) is equal. Two of my most recent reads were The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring...
4 min read
Why You Need a Chief AI Person…And It Shouldn’t be Who You Think
School professional structures fascinate me. I’ve seen schools with and without a Chief Financial Officer. I’ve seen schools with and...
4 min read
Everything I need to Know about Life, I Learned from Youth Baseball
Is there anything that screams “summer” more than warm evenings watching kids play parks and rec baseball? For me, it’s certainly up...
5 min read
Lead the Way: Focusing on Lead Indicators to Achieve Excellence This School Year
As someone who has spent most of my professional career working with a school-year/academic calendar, there is just something about...
4 min read
Using the Summer to Set the Tone for the Year
Summer is a weird time for those of us who follow an academic calendar. For much of the school year, we keep a running list of the things...
3 min read
To be Human or Not to Be Human…What’s the Deal with AI?
At the start of most workshops I facilitate related to artificial intelligence (AI), I begin by getting a shared definition of AI. I ask...
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